Read the words on the card. Think about what they mean or refer to. When you want to check your answer, click on the card to see the other side. All terms and dates will appear every time you load this page, but the order of the cards will change every time. The information on these flashcards will help you remember the information from the Learn section of this website. By itself, the information on the cards is not enough to prepare you for the real test.
- Service industriesMore than 75% of Canadians work in service industries. These are industries such as transportation, education, healthcare, construction, retail services, tourism, and government.
- Canada's main path to economic prosperityCanada has always been, and continues to be, a trading nation.
- G8Canada is part of the G8 group of leading industrialized countries, along with the USA, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Japan, and Russia.
- Canada's largest trading partnerCanada and the USA are each other's largest trading partner. We have the largest bilateral (two-way) trading relationship in the world. 75% of Canadian exports go to the USA.
- NAFTAIn 1994, Mexico, the USA and Canada joined together to make the North American Free Trade Agreement.
- Natural resourcesNatural resources played an important role in Canada's history, and continue to be important today. Forestry, fishing, agriculture, mining, and energy are all important.
- Canadian-American borderCanada and the USA share "the world's longest undefended border".
- Free Trade with the USACanada entered into a free trade agreement with the USA in 1988.
- Size of Canada's economyCanada has one of the top ten economies in the world.
- Manufacturing industriesThese industries make and sell products in Canada and around the world. Canada manufactures paper, high tech equipment, aerospace technology, vehicles, machinery, food, clothing, and other products.
Unit 9 Flashcards was last modified: July 20th, 2014 by