Read the words on the card. Think about what they mean or refer to. When you want to check your answer, click on the card to see the other side. All terms and dates will appear every time you load this page, but the order of the cards will change every time. The information on these flashcards will help you remember the information from the Learn section of this website. By itself, the information on the cards is not enough to prepare you for the real test.
- Stanley CupThe top prize for men's hockey in the National Hockey League. It was donated by the Governor General, Lord Stanley, in 1892.
- Fleur-de-lysThis flower ("Lily" in English) was a symbol of French kings for more than 1000 years. In Canada today, it is most often used to represent Quebec.
- BeaverThe beaver has been the symbol of the Hudson's Bay Company for centuries. It is also on the five-cent coin.
- Canada's national coloursCanada's national colours have officially been red and white since 1922.
- The Canadian CrownThe crown has been a symbol of the state (country) for 400 years. The crown is a symbol of government, the courts, police services, and the Canadian Forces (military).
- Maple LeafThe maple leaf has been a symbol since the 1700s. It has been on Canadian military uniforms since the 1850s, and is on the headstones of fallen Canadian soldiers.
- LacrosseLacrosse is an ancient Aboriginal sport, and is Canada's official summer sport.
- SoccerSoccer has more registered players than any other sport in Canada.
- National winter sportHockey
- CurlingThis is a popular winter sport. It originated in Scotland.
- Clarkson CupThe top prize for women's hockey in Canada. It was donated by Governor General Adrienne Clarkson in 2005.
- Peace TowerThe Peace Tower was completed in 1922, and was named to honour the memory of the First World War.
- Memorial ChamberThis room in the Peace Tower contains the Book of Remembrance, which has the names of the soldiers, sailors, and airmen who died while serving Canada.
- Coat of ArmsA coat of arms is a special design with much symbolism. Canada's coat of arms is on our paper money, government documents, and public buildings.
- Maple Leaf flagThe Maple Leaf flag was first used in 1965. Its design is based on the flag of the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario.
- Red Ensign flagThe Red Ensign flag was used as a semi-official flag for about 100 years. It contains symbols of France, Scotland, England, Ireland, and the maple leaf for Canada.
- Parliament BuildingsThey were completed in the 1860s. The centre block was destroyed by fire in 1916, and rebuilt in 1922. The library is the only original part still standing.
- Official Languages ActThis act has three goals: 1) equality between English and French in the government, 2) maintain official language minority communities, and 3) promote equality between these languages.
- A mari usque ad mareThis is Canada's official motto. It is in Latin. In English, it means "from sea to sea".
- Canadian FootballThis is the second most popular sport in Canada.
Unit 8 Flashcards Part 1 was last modified: July 20th, 2014 by