Read the words on the card. Think about what they mean or refer to. When you want to check your answer, click on the card to see the other side. All terms and dates will appear every time you load this page, but the order of the cards will change every time. The information on these flashcards will help you remember the information from the Learn section of this website. By itself, the information on the cards is not enough to prepare you for the real test.
- Police forcesIn Canada, there are different police forces in different parts of the country, although they work together. In Canada, we can trust the police to help us.
- Citizens entitled to due process under the lawThe Canadian justice system guarantees everyone due process under the law.
- The Federal Court of CanadaThis is not the same as the Supreme Court! The Federal Court deals with matters concerning the federal government.
- LawyersIf a citizen cannot pay for a lawyer, most communities have services that provide lawyers free of charge, or inexpensively.
- Other types of provincial courtsFamily courts, traffic courts, and small claims courts for civil cases.
- Four principles of Canadian legal system1) the rule of law 2) freedom under the law 3) democratic principles 4) due process
- Complaints about the policeIf a citizen has a complaint about a police officer, that citizen can make a formal complaint about that police officer.
- Provincial police forcesOntario and Quebec have their own provincial police forces. In all other provinces and territories, and in many towns and smaller cities, the RCMP are the police force.
- The people who make lawsLaws are made by people who are elected by citizens.
- The role of the courtsThe courts settle disagreements between people peacefully.
- Who must follow the lawIn Canada, everyone must follow the law, including politicians, lawyers, judges, and the police.
- Presumption of innocenceEveryone is considered innocent until they are proven guilty. In other words, the government has to prove that a person broke the law; a person does not have to prove that he or she did not break the law.
- Provincial courtsIn most provinces, there is an appeal court and a trial court (sometimes called the Court of Queen's Bench or the Supreme Court).
- The highest court in CanadaThe highest court in Canada is the Supreme Court.
- The role of the policeThe police make sure that people follow the laws that elected representatives have made.
- Due processThe principle that the government must respect all the legal rights a person is allowed to under the law.
Unit 7 Flashcards was last modified: July 20th, 2014 by