Unit 3 Flashcards Part 3

Read the words on the card. Think about what they mean or refer to. When you want to check your answer, click on the card to see the other side. All terms and dates will appear every time you load this page, but the order of the cards will change every time. The information on these flashcards will help you remember the information from the Learn section of this website. By itself, the information on the cards is not enough to prepare you for the real test.

  • Boer War
    Properly called the South African War, over 7,000 Canadians volunteered to serve in this war.
  • 1890s to early 1900s
    This was a time of a major economic boom for Canada. One million British and one million Americans immigrated to Canada during these years. There was also major immigration to the west of Canada.
  • NWMP
    The North West Mounted Police (NWMP) were created in 1873 to help control the west. The name was later changed to Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); their common nickname: Mounties.
  • 1869 Rebellion
    Louis Riel led a rebellion against the government when Canada took over Rupert's Land from the Hudson's Bay Company because the Metis people were not part of the process.
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge, 1917
    A major victory for Canada and the British Empire. The first time all Canadians had fought under Canadian command. Often considered "The Birth of a Nation."
  • Canada's first Prime Minister
    Canada's first Prime Minister was Sir John A. MacDonald. His portrait is on the $10 bill.
  • Sir George-Etienne Cartier
    Sir George-Etienne Cartier was the most important Father of Confederation from Quebec.
  • 1870: Manitoba
    Partly in response to Riel and unhappy Metis, the province of Manitoba was created.
  • 1885 Rebellion
    Louis Riel again fought against the government when Canada extended its control further west. Riel was hanged for treason. Many consider him a hero of Metis rights.
  • CPR
    The Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) was a powerful symbol of national unity. It was mostly built by European and Chinese workers.
  • Dates that Provinces and Territories joined Canada
    1867-Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick; 1870-Manitoba, Northwest Territories; 1871-British Columbia; 1873-PEI; 1880-Arctic Islands transferred to NWT; 1898-Yukon Territory; 1905-Alberta, Saskatchewan; 1949-Newfoundland; 1999-Nunavut
  • Head Tax
    Chinese who wanted to bring their families to Canada had to pay a race-based tax. This tax was made to keep Chinese out of Canada. The government apologized for this in 2006.
  • 1885 Railway
    The Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) was completed. This was a powerful symbol of national unity. The last spike was put in by Donald Smith, Lord Strathcona, the director of the CPR.
  • World War I
    Canadians were a major part of the British army during the First World War. Fighting lasted from 1914 to 1918.
Unit 3 Flashcards Part 3 was last modified: July 19th, 2014 by CC Test Kit
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