Unit 2 Flashcards

Read the words on the card. Think about what they mean or refer to. When you want to check your answer, click on the card to see the other side. All terms and dates will appear every time you load this page, but the order of the cards will change every time. The information on these flashcards will help you remember the information from the Learn section of this website. By itself, the information on the cards is not enough to prepare you for the real test.

  • Proportions of Aboriginal peoples
    65% Indians (First Nations), 30% Metis, 4% Inuit.
  • Acadians
    Acadians are the descendants of French colonists who began settling in the Maritime provinces in the 1600's.
  • Residential schools
    The government placed many young Aboriginals in residential schools from the 1800's to the 1980's to educate and assimilate Aboriginals. Some of the students were physically abused.
  • The distinct groups of Aboriginal peoples
    Indian (we now usually say "First Nations"), Inuit, and Metis.
  • The three founding peoples of Canada
    Aboriginal, French, and English
  • The great majority of Canadians identify with this religion
  • The original name for Canada's first constitutional document
    The British North America Act.
  • Canada's only officially bilingual province
    New Brunswick
  • A key phrase to describe Canadian society in the British North America Act, 1867
    Canadian institutions uphold a commitment to peace, order, and good government.
  • Great Upheaval
    This is the name given to the time when many Acadians were forced to move during the war between France in Britain from 1755 to 1763.
  • The different rights that gay and lesbians have in Canada
    Gays and lesbians are fully protected by Canadian law. Gay marriage is allowed.
  • Residential school apology
    In 2008, the federal government formally apologized to the former students of residential schools.
  • An old nickname for Canada
    The Great Dominion.
  • Indians (First Nations)
    Aboriginal people who are not Inuit or Metis
  • Inuit
    Aboriginal people who live in the Arctic.
  • Canada's official languages
    English and French (This means that the federal government must provide services in both of these languages.)
  • Canada's system of government
    Canada's system of government is a Constitutional Monarchy.
  • Metis
    Aboriginal people whose ancestors are both European and Aboriginal.
  • The importance of King George III's Royal Proclamation of 1763
    King George III's Royal Proclamation guaranteed Aboriginals' land rights. (These rights have sometimes been ignored.)
Unit 2 Flashcards was last modified: August 31st, 2014 by CC Test Kit
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